Unrestricted Report

ITEM NO:  11

Application No.



Little Sandhurst And Wellington

Date Registered:

23 March 2021

Target Decision Date:

18 May 2021

Site Address:

8 Dale Gardens Sandhurst Berkshire GU47 8LA 


Erection of single storey rear extension, installation of side facing dormer plus partial garage conversion.




Mr Mumtaz Alam

Case Officer:

Alexander Ralph, 01344 352000



Site Location Plan  (for identification purposes only, not to scale)

 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Bracknell Forest Borough Council 100019488 2004








































1.1  The proposal is for the erection of single storey rear extension, installation of a side facing dormer plus a partial garage conversion.


1.2  The proposed development is within the settlement boundary. It is not considered that the development results in an adverse impact on the streetscene or the character and appearance of the area. The relationship with adjoining properties is acceptable and adequate parking can be provided.



Planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Section 12 of this report.




The application is being considered by the Advisory Planning Committee as the applicant is a Councillor.





Inside settlement boundary

Within 5km of SPA

TPO trees on site


The application relates to a 4 bedroomed detached house  located to the south of the highway, Dale Gardens.  The property benefits from a driveway and the surrounding area is predominantly residential.


3.1  The site is within 5km of the SPA.




4.1  The relevant planning history is set out below:


613201- Part two storey, part single side and front extension forming porch, enlarged lounge study with enlarged bedroom over, part single storey and part two storey forming double garage WC lounge/playroom and enlarged bedroom over. Approved 1988.


01/00212/FUL- Erection of single storey rear extension forming conservatory. Approved 2001.




5.1  The proposal is for the erection of single storey rear extension which would measure approx 1.89 metres in depth, 2.50 metres in height and 1.57 metres in width, and the installation of the side facing dormer which would measure approx 2.31 metres in depth, 1.75 metres in height and 3.39 metres in width, plus a partial garage conversion. The orange circled areas denote all elements of the proposal.  


Elevation drawings




Ground Floor Plan


      First Floor Plan




        6.1      Sandhurst Town Council raised no objection.





Highway Authority :

7.1  The Highway Authority raised no objection subject to conditions in the interests of highway safety being added to the permission. However given the fact that three vehicle parking spaces can be achieved on the site, this would not be considered reasonable. 



7.2   The Tree Service raised no objection subject to the submitted arboricultural details being a condition of any permission.






The primary strategic planning considerations applying to the site and the associated policies are:



Development Plan


General policies

CP1 of SALP,


Not fully consistent




Residential amenity

Saved policy EN20 of BFBLP



CS7 of CSDPD, Saved policy EN20 of BFBLP



Saved policy M9 of BFBLP






'Saved' policy EN1 of the BFBLP


Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Parking Standards SPD

Design SPD

Other publications

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG)

CIL Charging Schedule




9.1 The key issues for consideration are:


i         Principle of development

ii        Impact on character and appearance of the area

iii       Impact on residential amenity

iv       Transport implications

v.       Tree implications

vi.      Community Infrastructure Lev


i.              Principle of development


9.2  Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications  for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the Development Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise, which is supported by the NPPF (paras. 2 and 12).  Policy CP1 of the Site Allocations Local Plan sets out that a positive approach should be taken to considering development proposals (which reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development set out in the NPPF), and that planning applications that accord with the development plan for Bracknell Forest should be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


9.3 Core Strategy Policies CS1 (Sustainable Development) and CS2 (Locational Principles) are relevant and consistent with the objectives of the NPPF, and can be afforded full weight. In particular, Policy CS2 permits development within defined settlements.



ii. Impact on character and appearance of the area


9.4  The only external changes visible from the streetscene would be a window in place of one garage door,  and the new side facing dormer. The rear extension element could not be seen from the streetscene.


9.5 Subject to the proposed condition regarding materials, it is considered that the

development would not result in an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area or the host property, in accordance with CSDPD Policy CS7, BFBLP 'Saved' Policy EN20, and the NPPF.


iii. Impact on Residential Amenity


9.6 The window in place of one garage door would look towards public view. As such this additional window would not impact the residential amenity of any neighbouring dwellings in the vicinity.


9.7  The  nearest dwelling to the dormer, 12 Dale Gardens, is located approximately 24.00 metres away to the northeast and screened by trees, so the proposal is judged acceptable. The rear extension is not in proximity to any neighbouring dwellings and can therefore considered not to impact residential amenity of any other dwelling in the vicinity. It is therefore considered that the development of the dormer and the single storey rear extension, plus the garage conversion would not result in an adverse impact on the residential amenities of neighbouring occupiers, in accordance with CSDPD Policy CS7, BFBLP 'Saved' Policy EN20, and the NPPF.


iv. Transport implications


   9.8  The proposal includes the conversion of part of the existing double garage to        habitable accommodation. No restrictive condition is present on the garage which was         erected under permission 613201 in 1988, so it would not require planning permission       to convert.  In addition to part of the garage being retained for parking there is an       existing driveway which can accommodate 3 parking spaces.


          v.  Tree Implications


          9.9.  'Saved' policy EN1 of the BFBLP states that planning permission will not be granted for development which would result in the destruction of trees and   hedgerows. Trees and hedgerows are important to the retention of the character         and    appearance of the landscape or townscape of the area.


          The site is located in an area of TPO trees  (TPO 20/1966). There are protected trees    in proximity to the site, due to this an arboriculturist report has been submitted demonstrating how the trees will be safeguarded during construction. The Tree Service   have raised no objection to the proposal, subject to the submitted details from the     arboriculturist report being a condition of any permission.  An informative will also be       added explaining that should the applicant want to construct a retaining wall shown on   the original plans, but not on the plans that are part of this recommend approval, a      development application with the Tree Service will need to be made.


vi. CIL


      10.1 The Council, in consultation with Natural England, has formed the view that any         net  Bracknell Forest Council introduced charging for its Community Infrastructure Levy     (CIL) on 6th April 2015.  CIL is applied as a charge on each square metre of new     development. The amount payable varies depending on the location of the         development within the borough and the type of development.


      10.2  CIL applies to any new build (except outline applications and some reserved   matters applications that leave some reserved matters still to be submitted) the          creation of additional dwellings.


          10.3    In this case, the proposal would not be CIL liable as it does not comprise the       creation of new dwellings.





11.1   The proposed development is within the settlement boundary where the principle of development is acceptable. The proposal would not have any adverse impacts on the character of the area, residential amenity, highway safety, or trees.


11.2   The application is therefore recommended for conditional approval.



         12.0  RECOMMENDATION


         That the Assistant Director: Planning be recommended toAPPROVE the application subject to the following conditions:-



1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act.


2.   The  development shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans, and other submitted details, received on 23.03.2021, 17.05.2021, 21.06.2021 and 29.06.2021 by the Local Planning Authority.



ARBORICULTURAL REPORT   (received 21.06.2021)

LOCATION PLAN       (received 23.03.2021)

TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY   (received 23.03.2021)

PL-100    PROPOSED SITE PLAN (received 23.03.2021)

PL-200A    GROUND PLANS    (received 29.06.2021)

PL-201    PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN    (received 17.06.2021)

PL-400    PROPOSED ELEVATIONS    (received 23.03.2021)


REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local     Planning Authority.


3.     The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the        development hereby permitted shall be similar in appearance to those of the existing dwelling.


REASON: In the interests of the visual amenities of the area.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, CSDPD CS7]


4.   The trees protected by TPO 20/1966 shall be protected by installing protective measures within the application site at a distance specified in BS 5837:2012 (or any subsequent revision) Annexe D  to the standard illustrated in BS 5837:2012 (or any subsequent revision) Section 6 prior to the commencement of development, including any initial clearance,   and shall be maintained fully intact and (in the case of fencing) upright until the completion of all building operations on the site.


           No activity of any description must occur at any time within these areas including but not restricted to the following:-


          a)      No mixing of cement or any other materials.

 b)     Storage or disposal of any soil, building materials, rubble, machinery, fuel, chemicals, liquids waste residues or materials/debris of any other description.

c)       Siting of any temporary structures of any description including site office/sales                         buildings, temporary car parking facilities, porta-loos, storage compounds or hard standing areas of any other description.   

           d)      Soil/turf stripping, raising/lowering of existing levels, excavation or alterations to                           the existing surfaces/ ground conditions of any other description.

         e)      Installation/siting of any underground services, temporary or otherwise including; drainage, water, gas, electricity, telephone, television, external lighting or any associated ducting.

f)      Parking/use of tracked or wheeled machinery or vehicles of any description.


In addition to the protection measures specified above,

a)      No fires shall be lit within 20 metres of the trunks of any trees or the centre line of any hedgerow shown to be retained.

b)      No signs, cables, fixtures or fittings of any other description shall be   attached to any part of any retained tree.


`        REASON: In order to safeguard trees and other vegetation considered to be worthy of retention in the interests of the visual amenity of the area

                   [Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN1 and EN20, CSDPD CS7]



1. The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.


2. No details are required to be submitted in relation to the following conditions;      however, they are required to be complied with:


          1. Time Limit

          2. Approved Plans

          3. Materials

          4. Tree Protection


3. The applicant should note that this permission does not convey any authorisation to   enter onto land or to carry out works on land not within the applicant's ownership.


4.  This is a planning permission. Before beginning any development you may also   need separate permission(s) under Building Regulations or other legislation. It is your responsibility to check that there are no covenants or other restrictions that apply to your property.


5. A retaining wall was shown on a superseded plan,  PL-200  received on 17.05.2021 by the Local Planning Authority. The applicant would have to make a future TPO application to the Tree Service for construction of this wall.